“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Esphesians 2:10.
Come Visit
23 S. Margaret St.
Joliet, IL 60436
Contact Us
What Brings Us Together?
Christians endeavor to live in accordance with God’s will, always pressing on to greater love and service for the glory of God. Living in opposition to sin presents us with many challenges, but we are not without help. Just as Christians met in the New Testament, the church that meets today in Joliet provides encouragement, teaching, love and the opportunity to grow with others toward common goals.
Worship & Study Times
SUN Bible Classes 9AM
SUN Worship 10AM
WED Bible Classes 7PM
Come visit
Our building is located at 23 South Margaret Street, Joliet, IL. From I-80, take the Larkin exit North. Larkin is east of I-55 and west of the river. Turn right onto Jefferson. Turn right again onto Margaret Street. The building is on the right.
We meet here
23 S. Margaret St.
Joliet, IL 60436
What to expect
We strive to follow the pattern of the Bible and the first century Christians in everything we do. This is true of our worship as well. The church in Joliet meets every first day of the week to sing together, pray, partake of the Lord’s Supper, read from His Word, and give an offering back to Him. Congregational, acapella singing is the authorized way we praise God in song (Col 3:16-17). Open communion is offered every Lord’s Day to remember the death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 20:7). An opportunity to give back to the Lord is provided for the members and not solicited from visitors. The Bible is bold and simple and we endeavor to present lessons that inspire, challenge and cause self- examination (1 Thes 2:23). For those wishing to put on Christ through water baptism, a baptistry is ready for immersion into the forgiveness of sins (Col 2:12). The Joliet church of Christ believes the Bible is to be believed, to be taught, and to be followed.

Josh Collier

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